
Reliable, Innovative, and Transparent Financial Experience

WithBank Services

Secure Investment and Withdrawal

Invest and withdraw your crypto assets securely using wiBTC or wiUSD tokens.

Reliable and Smart Crypto Wallet

Our trustworthy crypto wallet, supported by smart contract technology, ensures the secure storage of your crypto assets.

Stake and Liquidity Services

Collaborating with providers like Balancer, we offer Stake and Liquidity services through pooled funds, allowing you to benefit from the growth of our project.

Key Features of WithBank

Multi-Chain Support

WithBank supports various blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Fantom, providing users with broad access for fast and low-cost transactions.

Borrow and Credit Services

We offer flexible application processes, competitive interest rates, and user-friendly repayment plans, making it easier for users to achieve their financial goals.

Secure Transfers

Users can securely transfer their funds with end-to-end encryption and verification features, providing a safe and seamless transfer experience.

Why Choose WithBank

Security and Risk Management

WithBank prioritizes the security of financial services, implementing top-notch security measures to protect user assets. Our dedicated team constantly monitors and updates our security protocols to stay ahead of potential threats. We understand the importance of safeguarding your financial information and provide a secure environment for your peace of mind.

Our Tokens

Token Original Token Available Networks
WithBank wiBTC Bitcoin Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom
WithBank wiUSDT Tether Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom